Thursday, November 11, 2010

I huffed and no avail

11 November 2010, Thursday

WOW!!! It's been 11 days since I last posted something. That's a really long hiatus for me given that I make it a point to post on an almost daily basis.

These 11 days had actually been the longest days of my life. An acute chest infection had floored me and I was warded for 8 days at a private hospital.

Being hospitalized isn't something unusual to me, but this time it really took a toll on me. The infection seems extremely persistent and dogged and refused to desert me.

From the time I huffed and puffed at the A&E, I was given round the clock nebuliser and oxygen. And even on the day I was discharged (9 November 2011), I was still wheezing quite badly. As I had been harrassing my doctor persistently, he finally relented and discharged me.

I reckoned since it's gonna take a while before I'm fully recovered, I may as well wheeze at home, FOC!!!! My 8 days' stay had not only burnt a deep hole in my pocket, but I had missed home awfully.

Today, I'm well on the road to recovery, albeit slow, and what's wonderful, it's Home Sweet Home.

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