Friday, May 20, 2011

My silent tears

I wish I can move like you, but I can't
I wish I can jump like you, but I can't
I wish I can laugh like you, but I can't
I wish I can sit upright like you, but I can't
I wish I can walk like you, but I can't
I wish I can run across the fields like you, but I can't

I wish I can climb hills or trees like you but I can't

Have you ever wondered why I can't put on my own clothes?
Why I can't comb my own hair?
Why I can't take my own bath?

Have you ever felt like how I feel?
You can sleep but I can't
As my eyes are perpetually open
You can breathe but I can't
As there's a tube down my throat
You can eat but I can't
As everything is tasteless
You can play but I can't
As I'm strapped 24/7 to a wheelchair

I wish I can cry
But there's no tears to shed
I wish I can put my hands around you, but I can't
I wish I can carress your cheek but I can't
I wish I can kiss away my mummy's tears but I can't
I wish I can take away the pain from my daddy's heart, but I can't

Please look at me
Please look at my silent tears

Please listen to my voiceless plea
Please embrace and hug me
All I want is to be loved...

Derasnya henjutan nadi

pabila kebosanan melanda diri ini
langkah ku atur terhenti-henti
dadaku sesak bagai nak mati
jantungku berdegup tanpa henti
terasa deras henjutan nadi
apakah esok masih menanti
apakah yang sedang berlegar dalam benak fikiranku ini
ku harap keresahan ini akan berlalu pergi
kan ku terbang membawa diri
lantas pergi tak kembali lagi


Come what may

I wish this pounding headache will go away
Please please go away
Let sanity prevail and stay
I long for the sun's warm ray

Stupidity and follies are expensive price to pay
Sometimes we don't know what we do or say
Come what may
Allah will always show his way.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wishful thinking...

Don't you sometimes wish that you have lots of money that you can buy anything that you fancy. I've always marvel at those people who are blessed with wealth.

What would I do if I had tons and mountains of money? I would:

1.  Perform umrah every year if Allah so wishes
2. Travel the world from coast to coast and from continents to continents and from South Pole to the North Pole
3. Buy lots and lots and lots of books - any books that take my fancy. I was at a bookstore recently and was fingering all the books I wish I could buy but can't as some were beyond my means.

4. Splash money on the needy

Hmmm...I guess this is just wishful thinking.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Life without books is like a bathroom without soap...

Yes!!! The reading bug has hit my husband too. All this while, I'm the one who have been passionate about reading. I'm the one who can't fall asleep if I don't read. I'm the one who feels life is empty if there's nothing for me to read. And I likened not having anything to read like "A bathroom without soap".

As I've been busy with my editing work (currently editing a book - Healing Body and Soul), I haven't had time to really read anything. But I make it a point to read something before I sleep or whilst waiting at banks, clinics or hospitals while waiting for my turn.

Due to my deep passion for reading, my husband once threatened to burn all my books as I had been (probably) neglecting him. Hmmm...

In any case, this time around, the reading bug has hit my husband. I am amazed that over the last couple of weeks, he has been poring over these books and giving his full attention to them. He's not one to spend time on reading, as it'll take him ages to finish one book. But this time, he defied my presumption as he completed a book within a week, and now into the second and third book. 

All I can say is that, he's getting a dose of his own medicine. Dare I threaten to burn his books now that it is his turn to ignore me?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Is your shop open 24 hours?

Mid Valley or Front Cleavage
In the early 70's right up to the early 90's, if a girl or woman is seen with her petticoat or slip showing beneath her skirt or long skirt, that is something to be frowned upon. And usually you'll hear remarks like "Your Sunday is longer than your Monday" meaning your slip is showing.

Today, girls or women hardly wear petticoat and you hardly hear such remarks uttered again. In any case, girls these days have no qualms about showing more than just their petticoat or slip.

Yesterday I was at a supermarket, and there was this lady (Malay) who was very well endowed and she was queueing behind me at the cashier's counter.

And, without any shame or guilt, she was happily displaying her mid-valley or front valley (front cleavage or lurah dendam) in an extremely low cut blouse. And as she bent to retrieve something from the trolley, both her well endowed properties were let loose. Oh my!!!

Back Valley or Back Cleavage?
And today, I was at a bank, and there was this middle-aged lady who was seated in front of me. And she was wearing a hipster jeans. Needless to say, when she sat down, her back-valley was screaming for everyone to ogle at.

At the rate girls and women are exposing their mid and back valleys, the new remark will be: "Is your shop open 24 hours?"

Friday, May 6, 2011

Warna warni kehidupan

Kadangkala hidup ini

Hitam menyelubungi seluruh permukaan bumi
Itulah warna-warni kehidupan yang sering dan lazim kita perlu lalui...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bening ketaubatan

Ya Allah Ya Karim
Ya Rabbulalamin
Ya Allah
Tuhan Yang Maha Agung
Lagi Maha Mengasihani
Bimbinglah aku ke
Taman ketenangan
Kebun kebahagiaan
Ladang keimanan
Lembah ketakwaan
Pusat kesenangan
Syurga kegirangan dan kegembiraan

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

With scrambled egg, jump into the lake

Woke up with a pounding headache
Took breakfast with scrambled egg
Oh, what's with this rage
Yeah, for goodness sake
Go jump into the lake