Friday, June 17, 2011

Sebuah keindahan yang tiada penghujungnya.........................

Lihatlah langit dengan kebiruan pemandangannya, bintang-bintang dengan kerdipan cahayanya, matahari dengan pancaran sinarannya, dan alam ini dengan keluasan ruangnya. Lihatlah bumi bagaimana ia terhampar dan terbentang luas, dengan limpahan air yang meliputi bumi dan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang menghijau segar; dan lihatlah gunung-ganung yang berdiri megah dan teguh.

Fikirkanlah tentang lautan yang dalam, dan sungai yang jernih, malam dan siang, cahaya dan bayang-bayang, dan awan yang berarak. Fikirkanlah tentang keserasian dan harmoni yang wujud di seluruh alam semesta ini. 


Lihatlah bunga-bunga yang kembang semerbak, buah-buahan yang masak ranum, susu yang enak diminum, madu yang cukup manis, pohon kurma yang rendang, lebah, semut, serangga yang melata, ikan di lautan, burung yang berkicauan dan berterbangan, burung bulbul yang asyik menyanyi, reptilia, segala jenis haiwan, sebuah keindahan yang tiada penghujungnya dan sejuk mata memandang.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Kebutaan hati adalah kebutaan hakiki

Terdapat seorang lelaki yang buta, hidup dengan bahagia bersama isterinya yang amat dicintai, dan anak lelakinya yang pengasih dan penyayang, serta temannya yang setia. Namun satu hal yang membuat hidupnya tidak tenang ialah kegelapan yang menyelubungi kehidupannya. Dia berharap mampu melihat cahaya dan segala-gala yang membuatnya bahagia dengan matanya sendiri.

Lalu datanglah seorang doktor yang pintar, mengunjungi bandar yang didiami oleh orang buta ini. Dia pergi menemui doktor tersebut untuk meminta ubat agar mampu mengembalikan penglihatannya. Maka doktor tersebut memberinya ubat titisan dan mengajarnya bagaimana untuk menggunakannya, sambil memberi amaran bahawa dia akan berupaya melihat dengan serta merta, pada bila-bila masa sahaja.

Orang buta tersebut terus menggunakan ubat ini, meskipun orang lain langsung tidak yakin bahawa ia mujarab dan berupaya membuahkan hasil. Namun, selang beberapa hari semasa berada di dalam tamannya, dia mula terlihat cahaya. Dia sungguh merasa teruja dan gembira, lantas berlari mendapatkan isterinya yang tercinta untuk berkongsi berita gembira ini. Alangkah sedih dan malang baginya, kerana sebaik penglihatannya pulih, dia melihat si isteri sedang berselingkuh dan berlaku curang dengan temannya di dalam bilik tidurnya. Dia langsung tidak percaya dengan apa yang dilihatnya. Kemudian, dia berlari ke bilik lain dan terkejut apabila mendapati anaknya sedang mencuri sesuatu dari almarinya.

Akhirnya, orang buta itu menyusuli semula langkahnya tadi, sambil berteriak: “Ini bukanlah seorang doktor, dia adalah seorang tukang sihir yang terlaknat!” Lalu dia mengambil sebatang pin dan mencucuk kedua matanya! Akhirnya, dia kembali semula kepada kebahagiaan yang pernah dikecapinya sebelum ini.

Tidur berbantalkan tanah atau gelimangan sutera?

Seorang lelaki telah bertengkar dengan isterinya dan telah berkata: “Aku akan membuatmu sengsara!” Dengan sabar dan tenang, si isteri telah menjawab: “Kamu tidak boleh berbuat begitu.”

Suaminya bertanya: “Kenapa tidak?” Isterinya menjawab: “Seandainya kebahagiaan terletak pada kekayaan, wang ringgit atau emas permata, nescaya kamu mampu merampasnya dariku, dan menghalangiku dari mendapatkannya, namun  kebahagiaanku tidak mampu kamu atau orang lain rampas dariku. Aku menemui kebahagiaan menerusi keimananku, dan keimananku bersemayam dan bertakhta di dalam lubuk hatiku, dan tidak ada sesiapa yang mampu menguasai hatiku kecuali Tuhanku.”

Inilah kebahagiaan hakiki, kebahagiaan yang berasaskan keimanan, dan tiada seseorangpun yang berupaya merasakan kebahagiaan ini kecuali orang yang cintanya begitu mendalam terhadap Allah s.w.t. sehingga ia meresap ke dalam kalbunya, ke dalam jiwanya, dan ke dalam fikirannya. Yang memiliki kebahagiaan secara hakiki adalah Allah Yang Maha Esa, maka mohonlah kebahagiaan tersebut dariNya dengan menyembah dan taat kepadaNya.

Satu-satunya cara untuk meraih kebahagiaan adalah dengan menggali dan mengenali agama yang benar ini, yang mana Rasululllah s.a.w. diutus. Setelah seseorang itu menemui jalan kebenaran ini,  tidak penting baginya sama ada dia tidur di dalam pondok yang kecil atau berbantalkan tanah di tepi jalanraya. Cukup baginya mengalaskan perut dengan  sekeping roti untuk menjadi manusia yang paling bahagia di dalam dunia. 

Namun, bagi mereka yang menyimpang dari jalan ini, maka seluruh hidupnya akan dilanda kemurungan, kehibaan dan kepiluan, hartanya dirampas, usahanya sia-sia semata-mata dan akhirnya dia akan menanggung penghinaan.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I doubt he knew who Liew was: urghhhh....please mind your language!!!

"Boring. Bosan. Boring. Bosan. Boring. Bosan. Boring. Bosan. Boring. Bosan. Wish I'm some place else."

That was what I had posted on my Facebook wall three days ago (12 June 2011). Last Sunday, I had to attend a compulsory Syariah training course. Being a stickler for punctuality, I had told my son that I wanted to be there 30 minutes before the course began. So I was at Sime Darby Convention Centre well ahead of time.

Upon reaching SDCC, I was surprised that there was already a huge turnout of consultants. After registering at the "U - Z" counter, I went into the ballroom to take my seat.

And just after 9:00 a.m. there began a two-torturous hour as the first speaker took stage. I had expected someone of his experience and stature to have a more commanding oratorical skill. But I was several tad disappointed, so were the others. Everyone was silent and was stony-faced throughout the two-hour ordeal.

After I had posted my frustration on FB, someone had responded to this hilarious posting:
  • Wan Sallehah Can't imagine having to endure this yawningly boring and monotonous speaker for the next 2 hours...
  • FB User Hahahahaha... be careful, he might be on your FB and read this.
  • Wan Sallehah I wish he's on my FB so he knows how awful his prsn is, n why he should retire from public speaking with immediate effect. If I'm the organiser or his boss, I'd sack him and have him removed from the podium! Immediately!!!
    Wan Sallehah The patricipant who's seated next to me is already fast asleep. That's how boring the speaker is!!!
  • FB User Hahahahahaha... which is why my sessions are always physically and mentally interactive.
  • Wan Sallehah Im begging you to come over and replace him...
  • Wan Sallehah Thank God the 2nd speaker is MUCCHHH BETTER!!!

I, and I'm sure a majority of the 800 + participants would not have minded this bloke's session had it been well presented. He was not only exceedingly boring, but he was practically reading entirely from his text. And if he was reading like a presentable news reader, it wouldn't have been so bad. He was actually droning like a bee. The sound was so annoying that if I had it my way, I would have walked out of the SDCC ballroom.

To add salt to the wound, his English left very much to be desired. It was riddled with atrocious and horrendous errors. What amused me greatly was how he had pronounced the letter 'W'. You'd not believe it till you hear him say it. It was really hilarious. 'W' was pronounced as 'doubt liew'. I doubt he knew who Liew was!!!

And if this was not bad enough, I have this annoyingly and irritatingly dreadful and appaling habit. If a speaker's English is riddled with grammatical errors with horrifying pronunciation, I would be 'mentally' correcting him/her like a good English teacher would....Ha.ha.ha.ha... The perils of being an English teacher.

I had picked up this abysmal habit since I was in college. I'm not really sure how it had started but each time I listen to someone talking or making a presentation, and if I find that the English is peppered or punctuated with errors, I would be occupied (mentally) with the task of correcting them and would not be paying attention to whatever they're presenting. And I find this habit exasperating and maddening.

And speaking of listening, I was greatly amused when that speaker asked the audience, "Can you listen to me?" He had actually wanted to check whether the audience who was seated at the back of the ballroom could hear him. Sometimes it makes me laugh when people can't differentiate between the word "listen" and "hear." Oh boy!!!

Some of the words he pronounced and sentences/phrases he used had me clutching my mouth in horror. "Sesshion" for session. "Becaush" for because. "We'll be marking your attendant to make sure you guys are intact!" "I wish to reiterate you that..."  "In consideration of the customer purchased..." and many more ghastly errors.

Well, speaker dear. I only have this to say to you. "I wish to reiterate to you that if I'm your attendant, and in consideration of the customer purchasing the ticket to your seminar, I'll make sure your English is intact becaush your sesshion #@%&%*#"!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Layarilah bahtera ketaubatan dan keinsafan

Di manakah Muslimin dan Muslimat, di manakah golongan lelaki dan wanita yang beriman, kaum lelaki dan wanita yang jujur, mereka yang berpuasa, mereka yang menyembah Allah s.w.t. Yang Maha Agung lagi Maha Penyayang, dan di manakah kaum lelaki dan wanita yang rendah diri dan mengerjakan amal ibadat, serta golongan orang-orang yang khusyuk?

Apakah kamu ingin menghabiskan sisa kehidupanmu yang singkat ini dengan perkara yang sia-sia dan pemburuan yang tidak bererti dan remeh temeh yang menjurus kepada kemaksiatan?

Apakah kamu memiliki kehidupan lain selain dari yang ini? Apakah kamu telah dijanjikan oleh Allah s.w.t bahawa kamu tidak akan mati? Tidak sama sekali.?

Itu hanyalah ilusi dan khayalan dan palsu, dan angan-angan yang sia-sia. Oleh itu, cerminkanlah diri kamu, dan perbaharuilah pelayaran bahteramu, ayunkanlah langkahmu, burulah kafilah yang telah berlalu dan layarilah bahtera ketaubatan dan keinsafan!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Ibu, aku ingin mengangkat kedua sepatumu pada festival kehidupan

ku telah membesar dewasa, namun di mata ibu, diriku tetap anakmu yang masih kecil. Usiaku telah lanjut, namun di pangkuanmu aku tetap persis seorang bayi. Kamulah satu-satunya orang yang mana, air mata, susu dan darahmu mengalir dalam diriku.

Semua manusia melupakanku kecuali kamu, wahai ibuku! Semuanya menentangku kecuali kamu, dunia membenciku kecuali kamu. Demi Allah, wahai ibuku! Aku mengakui: sering kali pipimu berlinangan air mata saat aku pergi, sering kali kamu tidak tidur saat aku jauh darimu, seringkali kamu berjaga malam saat aku sakit.

Demi Allah, wahai ibuku! Saat aku tiba, kamu berdiri di pintu menyambutku dengan linangan air mata bahagia. Jika aku pergi meninggalkan rumah, kamu berdiri mengiringiku dengan hati yang luluh. Demi Allah s.w.t, wahai ibuku! Kamu mengandungkanku di antara tulang-tulangmu pada hari-hari yang meletihkan dan memenatkanmu, lelah dan lemah. Kamu melahirkanku dalam keadaan yang amat sakit dan perit, lalu kamu merangkul dan mendakapku dalam kehangatan pelukan kasih sayang dan kegembiraan sambil kamu tersenyum kegirangan.

Demi Allah, wahai ibuku! Kamu tidak tidur kecuali setelah diriku terlelap, kamu tidak tenang kecuali setelah diriku bahagia. Jika aku tersenyum, dirimu tertawa tanpa kamu mengetahui mengapa aku tersenyum. Jika aku tampak sendu, dirimu menangis padahal kamu tidak mengetahui apa yang terjadi kepada diriku. Kamu memaafkanku, sebelum aku bersalah dan mengampuniku sebelum aku bertaubat, dan bersikap lapang dada sebelum aku mengakui kesalahanku.

Demi Allah, wahai ibuku! Setiap orang yang memujiku, kamu pasti membenarkannya walaupun pujian tersebut menjadikanku seolah-olah persis seorang imam bagi seluruh manusia dan makhluk yang sempurna. Setiap orang yang mencelaku kamu tegas mengingkarinya sekalipun disaksikan oleh orang yang jujur dan dibenarkan oleh orang yang cerdas. Hanya kamu sahajalah yang prihatin tentang segala urusanku, hanya kamulah yang senantiasa memperhatikan diriku.

Demi Allah, wahai ibuku! Aku adalah masalahmu yang terbesar, ceritamu yang indah, angan-anganmu yang cerah. Kamu telah berbuat baik kepadaku, namun kamu tetap memohon maaf di atas kekuranganmu. Cintamu telah  melebur dalam diriku, meskipun kamu sentiasa ingin menganugerahkan yang lebih besar lagi dari itu.

Wahai ibuku! Semoga aku mampu mencuci kedua kakimu dengan air mata kesetiaan, mengangkat kedua sepatumu pada festival kehidupan. Wahai Ibuku! Semoga kematian melewatimu untuk menerjangku, dan semoga kesengsaraan yang akan menghampirimu terjatuh pada tubuhku.

Berkerut-kerut kening Si Teja

Berkerut-kerut kening si Teja pabila melihat gambar-gambar yang disiarkan di Facebook. Apakah perlu gambar-gambar itu dipertontonkan di khalayak ramai? Apakah motif sebenar mereka?

Teja terus termenung. Keningnya yang nyata sudah berkerut bertambah kerutannya. Teja tidak mengerti. Teja semakin kebingungan. Teja merasa amat sedih.

Teja duduk termanggu memikirkan sanak saudaranya. Teja terus mengelamun. Air mata Teja berjejeran. Teja bencikan kehiprokitan. Teja bencikan kebodohan. Teja dambakan kesederhanaan.

Teja ingin berlari jauh dari dunia yang dipenuhi dengan dosa dan manusia yang amat cetek ugama, yang semata-mata mengejar duniawi. Manusia yang sudah hilang pertimbangan. Teja terus melelapkan mata. Teja hilang dari pandangan.Teja dambakan kebebasan. Teja terlepas dari kebelengguan.

Note to Self: Never Judge a Book by its Cover, Ever Again!!!

I'm pretty sure you have heard of the maxim "Don't judge a book by its cover". How many times have we (you and I) been guilty of judging people incorrectly and erroneously? 

Have you ever driven someone away, someone you didn’t like at first?! You know that thing about judging a book by its cover it’s true, sometimes you got to read the whole thing and even then you might not know the whole story, this is what I’ve learned today!

We’ve always been told that it’s what’s inside that counts, and not to ‘judge a book by its cover’ so to speak. And this is indeed a useful tip in life! Looks can always be misleading, and usually it is indeed what’s inside that counts!

Opinions you hold can be quickly altered after closer inspection and interaction with the person or thing! In fact our perception of looks usually  alters with time, based largely on the other characteristics of your subject matter. How true… 

We judge others based on our pre-conceived idea. We judge others based on our misconception. And sometimes we also jump to conclusions about other people simply based on their looks.

And sad to say, I'm guilty of this too. Today, as I was traveling in the train to KLCC, I was taken in by a conversation that was taking place between the girl who was facing me and someone she was talking to.

I would not have paid attention to her if not for the turn of conversation that unfolded.

I had dismissed the girl from mind as I had emphatically and erroneously branded her (mentally) as a maid. Her dressing and demeanour clearly lived up to my misconception of thinking she was just another maid in Malaysia, who's out with a friend, on their off day.
She was with a friend, who looked like a typical maid. They were both dressed decently, nothing outlandish nor bizarre, in a typical jeans and t-shirt outfit.

My reverie was broken when her phone rang. I did not pay much attention to her until I heard her speaking.

"Hi Encik Ramlan. Yes. I'm interested in purchasing all that land." I was riveted from this point on.

And she continued chatting in a mixture of English and Malay. Her conversation revolved around her interest in buying massive palm oil land.

Oh my! My brain froze! I felt hugely embarrassed and awfully guilty for judging her erroneously. I was mesmerised by how educated and intelligent she sounded despite her simple looks. She may have looked like a maid (thousand apologies once again for being so judgmental), but her looks belied her true self.

As I alighted the train, I was thinking with wry amusement of why I should never again judge a book by its cover, never again judge others based on simply their appearance.

As I continued walking towards KLCC, I kept chiding myself repeatedly for
being quick to judge others. If only you could hear me lady, "Thousand apologies!"

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Beijing - Day 2: I know what I did the last 6 days

Day 2: 30 May 2011 (Mingdu Hotel - Forbidden City)

2:05 a.m. - Tut tut...tut tut....tut tut..... My deep sleep was shattered when I heard the phone ringing. I thought it was our wake-up call, which was scheduled for 3:30 a.m. daily (Subuh is mighty early in China in the Summer and days are long, but nights are short).

When I picked up the phone, a sleepy female recptionist told me in her halting English that my luggage had arrived. I almost jumped for joy, despite being very sleepy. The clock showed 2:05 a.m. I was deliriously happy. I thought, at least, I could now change into fresh clothings.

Took the elevator down and was ushered to a small room. When I looked around with my haf-asleep eyes, my joy turned into horror as I could not find my bag among the luggage in that room. But thank goodness, my daughter's luggage had been found. I was somewhat relieved but felt sad at the same time.

Dejectedly I pulled my daughter's luggage into the elevator. As my missing bag was occupying my mind, sleep eluded me. So I decided not to go back to sleep. I decided to talk to God, have a conversation with Him.

It was a plea to Allah. In the stillness of the night, I pleaded to Allah to send my luggage back to me. I continued praying until Subuh prayers. And after waking up my daughter, I went back to sleep.

Before the alarm went off, I was awaken by the ringing on my phone. My husband who was worried about my missing luggage had texted me  to enquire about it. Dejectedly I relayed the bad news to him.

8:00 a.m. - As I had no fresh clothes, my daughter offered her T-shirt (thank God it fitted). I continued to fervently pray to Allah for the return of my luggage.

We had breakfast in the room (We weren't really keen on having breakfast at the coffehouse as we were sceptical of the halalness of the food). I had brought bread, cheese stick, sardine and maggi. This morning we had sardine sandwich.

8:25 a.m. - Went down to the coffeehouse to have coffee but the coffee tasted awful. Helped ourselves to some boiled eggs so that we could eat those for the next day's breakfast.

9:00 a.m. - Left Mingdu hotel for Forbidden City (See story on Forbidden City)

Beijing - Day 1 (P.M): I know what I did the last 6 days

Day 1 (P.M.) - 29 May 2011 (KL - Hongkong - Beijing)

1;25 p.m. - A thick haze greeted us as we touched down in Hongkong International airport. If we thought the haze was an ominous sign, we were spot on!!!

As our flight was somewhat delayed, a CP staff ushered us hurriedly before the security check point. We were flabbergasted when the Hong Kong airport staff rudely screamed at our group. I reckoned some of the staff at the Security checkpoint at Hong Kong International airport could either be suffering from depression, enduring serious PMS, or they're born psychotic!!! They were barking at us in a high-pitched tone, like as if they were suffering from dementia. That was a far cry from New Zealand or anywhere else for that matter. The Hongkees were devoid of any greetings, let alone a smile!!!

As our connecting flight to Beijing was at 2:00 p.m. and by the time, the scowling and psychotic security personnel cleared us, it was close to 1:50 p.m.

I had never walked (tearing and dashing were more like it) so fast in my life in an airport!!! We were all practically sprinting to the train terminal which would take us to our Departure gate 49. I was panting and wheezing all the way. And I really pitied the 4 ladies who were part of our tour group as they were gasping for air. This was pure madness!!! It was like taking part in an Amazing Race, except that this was worse.

Once we reached the plane, the Gwailo captain announced, "We're about ready to take off, but we're missing one passenger, and the flight control just radioed to say that we're 4th in the queue and will take off only at 2:40 p.m. Gosh!!! The sprinting and the scrambling and the gasping were all for nothing!!!

Thank God the CP staff on board the flight were friendlier and sober than those at the airport!!!. I vowed not to fly via Hong Kong again, if I could help it. Just after I sat down, the CP crew came to enquire if I wanted Muslim meal.

2:40 p.m. - The plane took off for a 3-hour flight to Beijing. Muslim meal was served and the cew were courteous and friendly which made up for the shoddy treatment we received at the HK International airport.

5:45 p.m. - Arrived at Beijing International airport. Somewhat surprised that the airport was so quiet. There was hardly any passengers. Seemed like we were the only ones arriving at this spanking clean and new airport (this airport was built for use during the 2008 Olympics that was held in Beijing).

6:30 p.m. - Waited for our bags at Belt 41. 6 bags were missing (including mine and my daughter's). Were told that those bags would arrive on the next flight (7.30 p.m.).

8:15 p.m - Waited patiently but 8:15 p.m came and still no sign of the 6 missing bags. Lodged a second complaint with DragonAir. This time was told that the bags would come on a later flight. Weary and tired, we decided to adjourn to our hotel and hoped against hope that our bags would safely arrive at our hotel.

What a misdaventure!!! I've travelled rather extensively and this was my first encounter where passengers arrived without their checked-in luggage as the luggage came on another flight!!! So much for their tagline "5-star airline!!!" It's awfully ridiculous and mind boggling.

8:45 p.m - Taken to a Muslim restaurant by Jessica, our amiable tourist guide for our first meal in China. As the missing luggage was occupying my mind, I hardly ate. I had no appetite. My entire belongings were in that bag.

10:00 p.m. - Checked in into Mingdu Hotel (a 4-star outfit). My weariness slipped away as we entered the spacious room. I was pleasantly surprised by the size and the facilities offered. It was comparable to any comfortable 3-star hotel in Malaysia.

After showering, my daughter and I retired to bed. It had been a long day. As I had no clothes, I slept in my sweater. The minute my head hit the luscious and fluffy pillow, I fell asleep and forgot the day's misdaventure. I slept like a log, oblivious to the world around me, oblivious to the fact that 5 bags had been found and were delivered to the hotel as I lay soundly asleep...

Beijing - Day 1 (A.M.) : I know what I did the last 6 days

Day 1: 29 May 2011 (KL - Hongkong - Beijing)

6:15 a.m. - Left for KLIA after Subuh prayer. Slated to meet the tour agent at 7:00 a.m, but they only showed up at 7:45 a.m.

Hunger pangs crept in, but there wasn't sufficient time to eat as we had to board the train which would take us to the International terminal at Departure Gate C32 for our transit flight to Hongkong.

9:50 a.m. - Our flight was slightly delayed and only took off at 9:50 a.m. As we had to skip breakfast, my stomach was churning and turning topsy turvy. We were only served drinks initially and had to wait a miserable 2 hours before breakfast was served.

By the time it came to my turn, I was ravenously hungry which later turned into anger as food choices were between Chicken Sausage and Fish and Egg Omelette. When they approached my seat, and to my utter disappointment, I was told that they had already ran out of Fish. As I'm averse to chicken, I had no choice but to settle for only bread, butter and yoghurt. So much for 5-star airline. That happened to be the tagline which the tour agency propagated for the airline I flew, i.e. Cathay Pacific. And if this wasn't bad enough, I was in for more nasty experiences as the day progressed!!!

Despite having so many crew members, they were in disarray. They were walking here and there without actually knowing what they were supposed to do. The miserable and so-called 5-star meal came without drinks. I had to  page several times before drinks were served. Plates took a long time to be cleared. And to make matters worse, I coudn't sleep as CP's seats were not comfortable at all. My spine was screaming in agony.

It was somewhat a different scenario with my daughter. The minute she boarded the plane, she fell asleep almost immediately and only woke up when food was served. I wish I can fall asleep that easily. Sleep usually eludes me, regardless of whether I'm in a plane, car, bus, train or even in my comfortable bed at home. Sleep has always been a nightmare for me....

Beijing: The birds flew into the nest

Check out this space - under construction

Beijing: The pretty but ferocious spokesperson

Check out this space - under construction

Beijing: I bumped into a bunch of gangsters!

Check out this space - under construction

Beijing: I crawl, you crawl, everyone crawls

Check out this space - under construction

Beijing: Yang, the SYT

Check out this space - under construction

Beijing: Wonderous 8th Wonders of the World

Check out this space - under construction

Beijing: Jessica, our first-class Tourist Guide

Check out this space - under construction

Beijing: The lazy air-conditioner

Check out this space - under construction

Beijing: Gastronomical nightmare

Check out this space - under construction

Beijing: Mr Lin, the amiable Malaysian millionaire in Beijing

Check out this space - under construction

Beijing: The sheeps overwhelmed me

Check out this space - under construction

Beijing: Lost in Transit

Check out this space - under construction

Beijing: The Forbidden City

Check out this space - Under construction

What Retirement Means To Me: Alpahbetically

This was what I wrote on 4 September 2009 after my retirement. I'd love to review this once I can spare some time.

Absolved of Office Responsibilities

Beating the traffic jam

Calming effect on my brain and body

Done with mundane routines

Elevated status - FTH (Full time housewife) as opposed to FTE (Full time employee)

Free from the shackles of impossible bosses and employers

Growing richer emotionally and spiritually

Husband appreciates me more

Irresistably happy

Jumping for joy

Kaleidoscopic view of life

Langushing happily at home

Motherly touch for my four precious kids

No more stress, no more depression

Outrageously upbeat about life

Pampering my family to the hilt

Que sera sera, whatever will be will be

Reeling in comfort and security

Simply fantastic

Thank you Allah for granting my wishes to retire before I turn 50

Utterly blissful new life

Valuable treasures to cherish and love at home

Would I want it any differently?  Absolutely Not!

Xtra attention now showered on the family and more time for myself

Yesterday was history - the future will shine brightly

Zealousness is the order of the day, in fact, that's my daily mantra