Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Writing is a struggle against silence

16 March 2010, Tuesday

'Thoughts fly and words go on foot. Therein lies all the drama of a writer....'

Writing is a passion that can be done anywhere. All you need is a computer or a laptop (these days, as opposed to pen and paper those days), and if possible, a table and a chair.

You can write on a train journey while you're whizzing over land or sitting in a traffic jam, or while waiting for the LRT train to rumble down - all you need is a hand.

When you're sitting on a bench in the park or you're lazing by the beach, in a cafe, in a plane, or while waiting for the cake to bake!
You can write (in your head) when queuing up in shops, at least a page or two, or while walking you have time to think things through.

But for me, the most productive time for thinking things through and to get ideas is while everyone is deep asleep, and when the night is deathly quiet, when the shadows are cast over my bedroom windows, and when I could hear the leaves rustling and a slight tinkling sound from my wind chimes.

I could easily conjure up ideas and characters in my head, and I would 'pen' them down in my notes feature in my hp, and if I'm up to it, I'd type them right away in my blog. And the best place to do it would be my house, my bedroom is where I like to 'write', with my computer, dictionaries and bookshelves all in sight.

Hot or cold drinks when I want them, books and bed and telephone. There is really nowhere better than the comfort of my own house.

And, I have this little quirk when it comes to writing poetry. I love writing poetries when I'm at the LRT station while waiting for the train to pull in. The ideas for my poetries will flow freely whenever I'm waiting for the train. Somehow, for some strange and queer reason, the trains and the environment at the train station would give me the inspiration to pen down my inner feelings via poetry.

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