Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cookies in My Oven

15 and September 2009

My oven finally saw action after a lapse of 10 years, as this year, I decided to make Raya cookies again.  The last time I baked cookies was in 1996. Although I love baking and cooking, I could not indulge in these passion due to heavy work commiment.

Today, I made kueh siput (my daughter's favourite) and cheese cookies (everyone's favourite). And I even managed to bake spaghetti and fuccini pie for my family plus a few other dishes for buka puasa.

And on 16 September, I baked Cocoa cookies. I felt great after baking after seeing the satisfied and delighted look on my "customers", i.e, my husband and four kids as thyey savoured the home-baked cookies.

Many years back, when they were still young, right after baking, I would hide the cookie jars for fear that my kids would wipe out the cookies before Raya and I would not have any cookies left to serve my guests.

And guess what, my kids are only interested to eat cookies during the fasting month.  After Raya, they hardly touched the jars. And many times in the past, the cookies would be sitting in the jars several months after Raya, and finally, it would be thrown into the waste bin.

So, I've learnt my lesson well. And today, things are different, and my perception are different too. Even if they finished all the cookies before Raya, I'm fine with that.

What is far more important is the joy I see on their faces when they savour the cookies.....    

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