Sunday, February 21, 2010

I love walking along the shore...

21 February 2010, Sunday

Whenever I go to the beach, I would walk along the shore, looking for things the tide had yielded overnight. sometimes, there was an odd-shaped piece of driftwood or an old slipper or a sports shoe, or an old torn t-shirt, or even a clock, washed up from God knows where.

It amused me to imagine how these things ended up in the water. I once found a coconut - had it arrived at the beach after months of adrift frrom Tahiti or had it rolled off a yatch deck from a sundry bag?

Often, sadly, all I found were garbage - soft drink bottles and plastic bags, chunks of Styrofoam and torn fish net.

Sometimes, all I wanted was to look at the footprints left by humans or dogs, or even horses. It would be interesting to know the stories behind those footprints, and the odds and pieces that were washed ashore.

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