Thursday, October 1, 2009

12th Day of Syawal

1 October 2009, Thursday (12 Syawal)

Aside from the devastation that mother nature is wreaking on some parts of the world, it's been another quiet day on the home front.  Today, both my husband and I are fasting. Even though I'm still not completely recovered, I decided to fast as I don't really have any appetite to eat, so I reckon what better way to skip meal than to fast.

Later part of the morning, I received a call from one of my ex students who wanted to pay me a visit. She came over around 11:00 a.m and spent a couple of hours with me, reminiscing about her time in the college and talking about her future. She wanted my views on certain things and I was happy to share with her my two cents worth of thoughts. She left with a promise to visit me again in future.

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