If you must know, this handbag is very dear to me. I bought it just before Raya. It's spacious. It's roomy. It's gorgeous looking. And it feels great to carry.
And according to the "House of Leather" salesman that I bought the handbag from, "This handbag is one of its kind. No one else would be carrying the same handbag as you because only one unit had been designed and produced."
In all honesty, I wasn't really concerned if anyone else would be carrying a similar handbag. But, to-date, I've not bumped into anyone with a similar handbag.....
In any case, the day I walked into that shop, I fell in love immediately with the red handbag,
And mindful that I'll get an earful and shelling from my husband when he found out I've bought another handbag, given that just a week before that, I had bought a big black handbag, I had tried to hide the purchase. But, looking at the size of the handbag,you know it was virtually impossible. I likened it to trying to hide an elephant which had just walked into the living room.
But all the shelling that I got from my husband did not dampen my spirit, nor was I daunted. Most of all, I hadn't fallen in love with that big black handbag. The black handbag was bought for a purpose, and I'm sure it would serve its purpose.
But this red handbag......
You'd not believe another crazy thing I did on the day of the purchase of the red handbag. I'm quite fanatical about colour coordinated handbags and shoes, and because of this red handbag, I was determined to look for a red pair of shoes or sandals to match.
While waiting for my eldest son to come back from his shopping trip in the mall, my husband and I had waited at a bench, which was situated a floor above the "House of Leather" shop. That was when I had told my husband to excuse me and had landed with the purchase of the red handbag.
And right after the purchase of this red handbag, and because I was so obsessed with the desire to have matching sandals or shoes, I had once again asked to be excused by my husband. And he knew that spelled trouble. And this time I went looking for a shoe shop and surprises of surprises, and miracles of miracles, I found the perfect sandals to go with my red handbag. It was the exact shade. Can you beat that?
Needless to say, I hid the sandals in the bag that held my red handbag as I knew all hell would break loose if my hubby finds out about this purchase.
And as you can see, this red handbag is not only dear to me......
It is also dear to Khairil (my second son).....
And also to Khairul (my eldest son)..........
And, if you still don't believe me, seeing is believing. The bag is even dear to Khairi, my youngest son...
And, now, are you beginning to believe me??? .........................................................................
Even Amir, my husband is crazy about my red handbag.
And, in case this thought has crossed your mind.... you're absolutely right to think or guess that only my daughter is not really crazy about my red handbag. Do you know why? Why? Oh, Why? Hmmmm... that's because, like me, she too, is crazy about her own bag.
Close-up of Ina's striped handbag
And Ina too, is crazy about colour coordinated shoes..... that matches her handbag.
And now, can you see the similarities between us? Like mother, like daughter.... And why we're crazy about our respective handbag.
Oh, my red handbag.....
and my red sandalssss....
I've even bought another red pair of sandals, just to keep my first sandals company and as a back-up....he.he.he...
Now, I'm happy. My red handbag is happy. My first red sandals are happy. My second red sandals are happy. And my boys and husband are happy too, judging from the photos above..........And Ina too is happy with her striped handbag and sandals......
hehe.entry ni best! like mother like daughter!
ReplyDeletep/s: ma, muka ina klakar lah..huhu. boleh cut out my face? hehe.
Memamng Best!!!One of my favourites!!! Masa mama tengah write this entry, I had to stop a couple of times... coz it was so hilarious. I had a good laugh!!!